So my blogging starts again after some seven years lost out. With simple wording this time but with bigger topics. I start now with a topic which I actually drafted seven years back but never got a chance to publish. The topic is about how I visualise the realisation of proposed states of the India and how that would help the Indian nation building in general. Seven years back, the state of Telangana was not formed but its a reality now (apparently it was also part of my proposal :) ).
This post is based on the Proposal of the new states in India (Read the wikipedia article ) and then focuses on the idea of Economic Zones.
The New Indian States and the Economic Zones:

While most of the proposals of the new states of India seem more on the lines of linguistics, culture or terrains, they don't seem to contribute much to the nation building as such. The new idea of Economic Zones though is based on the division of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra and the creation of Purvanchal, Madhyanchal (Bundelkhand and Bagelkhand combined) and Vidarbha. The division is significant because as per the designed model here, the new states will be moving to different economic zones from the parent state. There are basically six zones proposed: North, South, East, West, Central and North-East.
Now lets evaluate each of these zones and how the division of states contributes to the goodwill of the nation:
North Zone: As
per the current map of North India on the internet, North India comprises of
all northern states including Rajasthan, M.P, Chhattisgarh and Uttar Pradesh.
With huge population in all these states (except Rajasthan), there is very
limited possibility for new economic policies that can benefit all. These
states have the maximum number of villages and the problems and issues of the
people need immediate attention for a better economy and overall prosperity. As
per the Economic Model map suggested here, the North Zone should comprise of a
smaller area for better governance. If we see any major country like US or
China, we find that highly populated areas are always divided into smaller
zones for sound and sustained growth. That way you can concentrate better on
areas of immediate attention.
7 States and 1 Union Territory (J and K, Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Chandigarh), Area: 485 sq. km(approx.)
West Zone: For
Rajasthan, even though it has lower population and has an affinity towards
north, I suggest it should belong to the West Zone primarily because of the presence
of strong states like Maharashtra and Gujarat in the region. Remember, we are
not dividing the zones based on any government policies or cultural exchanges
here. The purpose of this model is economic growth for the country as a whole.
The west states of Gujarat ,Maharashtra and Goa have rich experience and sustained
growth and should help Rajasthan in ideas and policies and not leave everything
to the Centre or North Indian states as the North itself has so much to cope up
4 States and 2 Union
Territories (Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Daman and Diu and Dadar and
Nagar Haveli), Area: 768k sq. km (approx.)
South Zone: South Zone
will have nothing new here and it will comprise of the very South Indian States
of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Union Territories of Pondicherry
and Lakshadweep.
5 States and 2 Union
Territories (Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala,
Pondicherry and Lakshadweep), Area: 636k sq. km (approx.)
North East Zone: Similarly,
the North East Zone will also comprise of the same seven states of Arunachal,
Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram and Meghalaya. The good thing about
this zonal concept is that this region would be paid more attention as it
comprises of a big area of the nation and represents a whole zone out of the
six. The figures at times will be compared with other zones and better
prospects for development would be searched out for the region.
7 States (Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura and Meghalaya), Area: 263k sq. km(approx.)
Now, it comes to the important discussion of the creation of Central and Eastern Zones:
East Zone: The
East Zone will comprise of the 5 states of Purvanchal, Bihar, Jharkhand, West
Bengal and Orissa and a union territory of A & N Islands. This region has
all the very ingredients for a successful economy, namely mineral sites
(Jharkhand), rich agriculture land (in all the states), tourism prospects
(Darjeeling, Gaya, Varanasi), historical education centres (Varanasi, Nalanda,
West Bengal) and huge labour force. But, unfortunately, the region is looked
down upon with distaste. The reasons: Labour Strikes, Naxalism, Illiteracy,
poor infrastructure and above all corruption. Moreover poor governance in few
has also helped the cause. Declaring it as a national economic zone helps all
the included states to co-operate with each other in fighting all these ill
forces. Most of the above mentioned reasons and many more in each state have
some or the other link to the adjoining states of the zone. The people of the
whole region themselves will have to find solutions as they understand the
problems better at the grass root level and what is required here is
co-operation from all. There, for sure, are some of best minds in this region
and all the region needs is a drive. Some help in adopting new policies can be
provided from the South Zone, which has got a boom in all the economic sectors.
I will come to that point later in this article under section Mutually
Co-operative Economic Zones.
5 States and 1 Union Territory (Purvanchal, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Orissa and Andaman and Nicobar Islands), Area: 560k sq. km(approx.)
Central Zone: The
Central Zone will be almost newly carved zone out of the North and West India and
there are reasons to declare it as a separate zone. Firstly it reduces the
burden of the North zone states so each Zone can mark directions for its own
well being. Secondly it has all the resources available for its rapid progress.
With Vidarbha being included, the zone gets a major boost as this state
contains some major industries and has accounted for most of the
industrialisation of Maharashtra. It gives the City Nagpur reason to excel and
lead the Zone. The new state of Madhyanchal has also high prospects in tourism
and mineral industries. The rest, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh have major towns
of Indore, Gwalior and Bhilai and evolving industrial and tourism areas. Better
education and governance can surely drive this zone. Directions for a sustained
economy can be provided by adjoining West Zone.
4 States (Madhyanchal, Madhya Pradesh, Vidarbha and Chhattisgarh, Area: 575k sq. km(approx.)
Mutually Co-operative
Economic Zones:
There is another idea of Mutual co-operation between the
zones to ensure overall economic stability of the country. The idea is that one
strong zone co-operate with another potentially strong zone for new development
North – North East
– Because of the common understanding of hill areas and political influence of
the centre located in North, the North East Zone can be highly benefited.
South- East – The
fast developing South could be of much help to the East (with huge potential of
growth considering the natural resources and labour it possesses) in
undertaking new ventures.
West – Central -
The financial capital Mumbai and the highly industrial state of Gujarat can be
of help to the Central Zone in some new ideas and policies.
So here ends the first of the Novel thoughts posts.. but the Series goes on. Do look out for the future exciting posts. Also please do share your comments and suggestions.